Iryna Van Der Meij – Role Model Campaign

Photographer: Gina Tamer Saad ©
Make-up artist: Olena Tvorcha


“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results has been named insanity by Einstein. From this standpoint, the tech world has been looking pretty “insane” for a while, and we really need the change.

EQUALS campaign is the campaign for breaking stereotypes and going out of the box. The tech world could certainly use some diversity and a new perspective! Only by doing so can we expect prominent results and true breakthroughs.”


As tech incubator we would like to see more women founders as there is a lot of potential talent out there. This is why we feel this campaign is important. The role models from YES!Delft are an example for the next generation entrepreneurs.

Iryna Van Der Meij
CEO of Nurtio


”Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, I have been an entrepreneur for as long as I remember myself. If we don’t consider countless gigs during my school years, I have been starting and running businesses for over 15 years now. Every day I have to tend to change at least a dozen different hats, but this is what makes me happy and inspired. My personal interests are also quite diverse. I love traveling (50+ countries to date), learning new languages (7 to date), and operating in diverse, multicultural environments that keep me flexible and open-minded. Also, have a soft spot for the animal world and modern architecture.”

Why do you think is important that Role Models need to be visible?

“Whether we realize this or not, we do live in a world of stereotypes and limiting beliefs. There are a lot of people that simply don’t realize what they are capable of because they can’t associate themselves with the images of successful people they see. Meanwhile, success can come in very many forms and fashions. So how can you know what they are if you don’t see them?”